It is never too late to pursue your passions.

Elisa Crescentini, Web Developer, based in Italy

I'm a developer, a mom, a gamer, an avid reader & a tech enthusiast.

I work hard & study everyday to improve my skills

I am the mother of two fabulous boys, Jared and Keanu, and at the beginning of 2021 I decided to quit my job to pursue my passion: coding, which I had put aside for too long.

It is never too late to pursue your passions.

I enrolled in SheCodes, an online course that helps women become Front-end Developers and I enhanced the knowledge I had and learned new ones. At the same time I also followed other free courses on different platforms to deepen, study and practice, because in this field you never stop learning!

My Skills

I believe in the fact that learning never stops and I am interested in learning new technologies and programming languages that will help me develop a better output in less time.

HTML5 Logo
react js
tailwind css

My best project

This is my best project right now, a WordPress + Elementor website for a beauty academy.
Click on the photo to take a look at the project.

What I'm doing now

I’m currently working as a freelancer for Rugged Software LLC, developing new skills.
Meanwhile I’m following courses about Golang, FreeCodeCamp‘s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures and CSS for Javascript Developers course by Josh Comeau